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Goals of this Project
A. To Identify the descendants of Rev. Davis Stockton, born c1685 and died bef 1672 in Albemarle County, Virginia.
B. Place on one web site all of the available Stockton surname information related to the descendants of Davis and the families that married into them.
C. To discover the ancestors of Davis Stockton and other related famlies. DNA shows a relationship to the Stockton's of Pennsylvania, but NOT New Jersy.
The Some of the information came from Fern Alma First's book "The Davis Stocton Family of Virginia. The Bumpass Family was in Mootie Clemmons Cherry's book"The Story of the Bumpass Family
How You Can Help?
If related, and interested in preseving your records, please send us photographs of your ancestors, copies of any original documents, letters, and items you feel need to be preserved.
What we are losing is the narrative portion of our parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents' lives - of why they moved, how they met their spouses, where they were educated. Where they worked, commmunity involvement, and what the family did for entertainment. These narratives can be brief as a few sentences, or a multi-page biography. Also, please help us with the femaile lines, which are much more difficult to trace than the male lines, for obvious reasons. This is one major area often omitted in research. We encourage uou to email to b24b24@aol.com the following information for your grandfather, your great grandfather, your great, great grandfather , etc., so that your family heritage for our future generations is preserved.
For EACH ancestor we need:
Full NameDate and Place of Birth
Date and Place of Marriage
Full Name of Spouse
Date and Place of Death
For more information:>
If you wish to provide information or inquire about the Stockton Project contact:
Webmaster - Tresa Tatyrek, tresatatyrek@gmail.com, Gordon Stevenson, great grandson of Frances Ethalinda Stockton, site owner, b24b24@aol.com or Administrator - Toni Stevenson, toni.schmid@gmail.com
Mailing Addrewss on Request
© 2023-2024 Gordon Stevenson
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If you have any questions or comments about the information on this site, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.